On The Road
This project is based on familiar car journeys. Unlike conventional "road trips" which explore the unknown, this is a response to my frustrations over my difficulties with travel. I play with repetition, familiarity and visual distortions to explore the sensory experience of being encapsulated in a car, looking out at the world. My experience of life is pretty intense at the best of times and it is often further intensified by chronic pain - something which makes me crave both escape and take-away food, whilst simultaneously rendering me incapable of driving - the perfect combination for shooting from the passenger seat.
One of my inspirations is Kerouac’s “On The Road”. Much of this series is shot on an iPhone. There is something very "in the moment" about iPhoneography. I like to think that, had iPhones been available, Sal Paradise would have been clicking away and posting his streams of consciousness onto social media the whole time.
Some of the visual effects are artefacts of the iPhone 5 technology – aberrations caused by the limitations of the iPhone sensor reacting to artificial lights. Beauty created as a result of imperfections and “failures” is a theme which runs through all my work.